

The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) is a membership organisation which works to promote and support the welfare of seafarers all over the world. Seafarers bring us 95% of the things we use every day and take care of us when we travel by sea, but their lives are often tough. They experience long periods away from family and friends with limited or no communication, fast turnaround of ships in ports with severely restricted shore leave, reduced crew numbers and increased workloads. Welfare services and facilities both on board and ashore can be a lifeline for seafarers.

ITF Seafarers Trust

The Seafarers’ Trust, a UK charity established in 1981, funds programmes that advance the wellbeing of maritime workers, seafarers and their families. We are funded by the Trust’s own capital funds, and by the investment income of the Welfare Fund at the International Transport Workers Federation, a global federation of transport workers’ unions with over 4.6 million worker members.

Seafarers UK

Seafarers UK is a charity that has been helping people in the maritime community for over 100 years, by providing vital support to seafarers in need and their families. We do this by giving grants to organisations and projects that make a real difference to people’s lives, across the Merchant Navy, Fishing Fleets, Royal Navy and Royal Marines. In 2019, we awarded 53 grants totalling £2.2m to 43 maritime welfare charities.

TK Foundation

The TK Foundation’s mission is to fulfill the legacy of J. Torben Karlshoej by enabling disadvantaged youth to succeed and promoting maritime education and safety. We fulfil this legacy by investing in programs that promote knowledge of the seas and oceans, and strengthen maritime safety and security for the betterment of all.

Merchant Navy Welfare Board

As the umbrella charity for the UK Merchant Navy and fishing fleets, Merchant Navy Welfare Board (MNWB) supports and promotes co-operation between organisations that provide welfare services to merchant seafarers, fishermen and their dependents.

The Board has over forty Constituent member charities and maintains sixteen Port Welfare Committees covering all UK ports and Gibraltar, organises maritime charity conferences, working groups and also provides support for the Falkland Islands.